
Residuals ... Fast and Accurate.

Our residuals expertise, process and system enable us to provide you with accurate residuals payments, easier and less-burdensome processing, and significantly faster turnaround times. Plus, we can pay residuals for all markets.

Our system has rates and rules dating back to 1960 and is flexible enough to handle irregular rules or even those specific to your production. And because our residuals operation is part of our overall payroll system, there is a seamless and automatic transition from payroll processing to residuals. Additionally, our table-driven system design easily adapts to changing residuals requirements.


Key benefits and features:

  • Expert knowledge.
  • Electronic ingestion of data.
  • Rigorous quality assurance.
  • Seamless integration with payroll data.
  • Single point of contact.
  • Fast turnaround times.

Meeting Your Every Need.

You can rely on us for our solid working relationships with industry unions, guilds and trust funds. We pay employees in compliance with their respective collective-bargaining agreements (whether basic or negotiated) and we also report payroll-tax deductions and pay employer tax contributions.

We deliver residual invoices and reports in easy-to-read formats. Cast & Crew maintains applicable records and printouts in accordance with each customer’s residual service agreement.

Dedicated to providing timely residuals turnaround times, from talent set-ups to quarterly payment runs.


Contact a residuals expert today.

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